
August 31, 2023

The Perfect Peach Salad for Summer

Spicing it up in the kitchen is a must, even better with minimal effort. Between work, our busy schedules and trying to stay healthy, finding time to eat right and cooking dinner that will please the entire household can be tough. Being a mother of two and wife for twenty plus years, I’ve learned a few tricks along the way to balance both health and full tummies. And for our picky eaters there’s always a way to improvise or switch up a few ingredients here and there. 

Meet your new favorite salad, full of sweet flavors, rich ingredients, and a dab of tanginess creating the perfect balance for everyone’s palate. 

Here’s my spin on a peach salad perfect for any occasion, time of day and a feel good meal with a bonus, no guilt feeling. A salad that won’t disappoint, have the kids asking for seconds and your husband checking for the restaurant receipt. Plus it’s a quick simple meal that’s time efficient, perfect for during the week as an appetizer or full meal if you wish to add in any protein of choice or extra veggies. 

I also love to implement this recipe if you’re dieting, the specific ingredients are unique making the salad hard to get tired of. Meal prepping isn’t necessary as the prep time is quick and salad can wilt if not eaten soon after. Just make sure you have your peaches on hand so you don’t miss the best part. 

Find a ripe peach to bring out the perfect amount of sweetness. There are three signs to look for to tell if a peach is ripe and juicy. 

  1. The peach should have a deep golden tone to its yellows. The more golden, the better. 
  2. Gently squeeze the peach, if there is a little give to it but not much its not quite ready to eat. You want it to be very soft when you squeeze it. 
  3. Look for wrinkles by the stem of the peach. Wrinkles mean that water has evaporated out of the peach leaving a rich flavor. 

Can you leave the skin on for the recipe?

Yes, it’s your preference.  The texture and taste of the skin matches well with or without the skin. Peeling shouldn’t take a lot of time but leaving it on also brings out the sweetness. 

Can you add protein?

Yes, if desired. You can add chicken either grilled or breaded. 

Prep time: 15 Minutes 

Total Time: 15 Minutes


  • Mixed Greens                                                                                                            
  • Peaches
  • Toasted Almonds
  • Goat Cheese
  • Red Onion

Balsamic Vinaigrette

  • Olive Oil
  • Balsamic Vinegar
  • Maple Syrup
  • Dijon Mustard
  • Lemon Juice 


  1. In a large bowl, toss the greens and peaches. 
  2. In a small bowl add the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, maple syrup, dijon mustard,lemon juice and salt. Whisk until well blended. 
  3. Top off with red onion, goat cheese and sliced almonds to coat. 
  4. Drizzle Balsamic dressing over salad just before serving. 

Yummm, I know you’re enjoying it even more than you thought you would when you read the recipe. Told you, quick, easy and delicious. Having another tomorrow? I’m with you. You can never have too much salad right? Be sure to be on the lookout for more delicious recipes, I’d love to make any woman’s job in the kitchen easier because hey me too!! Hope you enjoy this recipe, let me know down in the comment section for your thoughts and any changes you added for inspiration to a twist on the recipe. 

Perfer watching the magic happen? Watch Maria make this Perfect Summer Salad here.

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